Category: Publications

  • Summer News

    Reading away this summer at the beach with the kids. My son likes to read the local paper, Easy Reader, keeping up on local events. He also loves eating sand. Super excited to get an acceptance letter from Effervescent Magazine.  The issue comes out August 25th and theme is “Tempestuous.” Looking forward to reading about…

  • Montauk Ranch and other updates

    The other day I received two copies of Writer’s Digest March/April 2016 issue and find my contest contribution to Your Story printed in there.  So great to finally see my little entry about Montauk Ranch in print.  Thanks to Writer’s Digest for running these monthly contests, as it’s a great way for an emerging writer…

  • Patterns wins honorable mention in Exposition Review (formerly Southern California Review)

    I’m pleased to announce my new flash piece “Patterns” won an honorable mention in Exposition Review’s inaugural Flash 405 Contest, and they’ve published it on their website.  My heartfelt thanks to Abigail Mitchell and all the staff at SCR for the long hours they put in reading all the entries. I’m honored to have my…